This plant is grown around the Globe and is the most used. It can be considered both as a spice herb, since the leaves are used as an herb and its seeds as a spice, being used both in savory dishes like sweet. It has healing properties. The green leaves taste like dirt, a little parsley, mint and citrus.Mistaken for parsley, but its aroma and flavor are totally different.
Their seeds, however, smell of sandalwood, cedar, orange. They are used to make curry vinaigrette to vegetables, sauces and marinades. Due to its touch of orange is used in baking.
Their roots smell of citrus and musk. Its flavor is stronger, enhances stews, meat and fish.
Cilantro house very well with the mint , the basil , thegarlic , the parsley , and lemon . And goes well with all kinds of salty food: potatoes, beans greens, vegetables, seafood, fish, vegetables ... To not lose its flavor, it is best to cast when he has little cooking.
This plant is also called the " Chinese parsley "and in Peru it is called coriander.
A the seed of this plant is called " cilantro "in South America. Species and is used as one of the components of Curry.
A the seed of this plant is called " cilantro "in South America. Species and is used as one of the components of Curry.
There is a choice:
- Poligondo / Seal of Solomon, also called Vietnamese coriander (Polygonum odoratum): Coriander is the type used in the Far East.
Parts of the plant used
Shoots are used leaves for the kitchen. Always fresh, but can be frozen. The mature seeds are used with them is the curry and the green are used for sauces and marinades. And the tender roots, for cooking, for flavoring.
Is dressing in favorite herbs Venezuelan cuisine .
Indications and medicinal uses of Cilantro / Coriander
active ingredients: Essential oils contain: decanal, dodecanal, dean, huleno, cerofileno, linanol, tannins, malic aciado.
active ingredients: Essential oils contain: decanal, dodecanal, dean, huleno, cerofileno, linanol, tannins, malic aciado.
Properties: aids digestion, removes gases, antispasmodic and tones the nervous system.
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